Inglês, perguntado por NahAugusto, 3 meses atrás

1-Forme as palavras sufixadas para as frases, utilizando “ive”, “ness”, “ous”, “ful”, “ly”, “able” no
final das palavras entre parênteses:
1 – The scale of the corruption problem is massive (mass)
2 – They often work under ________________ weather conditions. (change)
3 – Some adventure sports can be ________________________. ( danger)
4 – My grandfather likes the _______________ life of the countryside. (peace)
5 – You are brave and _______________. You can make it! (courage)
6 – Guilt can be very ____________________. (destruction)
7 – I think she is ____________ of your success. (envy)
8 – Can you ____________ the situation to me? (clear)
9 – He doesn´t watt o show his ______________. (weak)
10 – Colin Firth is a ___________________ actor. (wonder)

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Usuário anônimo

1. Massive

2. Changeable

3. Dangerous

4. Peaceful

5. Courageous

6. Destructive

7. Envious

8. Clearly

9. Weakness

10. Wonderful

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