Inglês, perguntado por juliauzumakirj2006, 7 meses atrás

1: Fill in using the present perfect tense

a) We _________ the game. (win)

b) They ________ to New York. (go)

c) I _______ that way for a long time. (be)

d) ________ you ever ___________ the rain. (see)

e) What _______ she _________ ? (do)​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por jv8548862


Letra A) wined

Letra B)goed

Letra C)beed

Letra D) seed

Letra E) doed

Respondido por MrGrando


a) We _have won_ the game. (win)

b) They _have gone_ to New York. (go)

c) I have been_ that way for a long time. (be)

d) _Have  you ever __seen_ the rain? (see)

e) What _has_ she _done_ ? (do)​


Present perfect  = has/have + participio passado dos vebos

O participio passado é ED para o verbos regulares ou a terceira coluna da lista dos verbos irregulares.

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