Inglês, perguntado por evellyn01maria, 3 meses atrás

1)FILL IN THE BLANKS WITH THE SIMPLE PAST OF THE VERBS IN PARENTHESES . (Use o simple past dos verbos entre parentheses )

a)The children  _________________ to school yesterday ( to walk )

b)Cabral  _________________ Brazil almost five centuries ago. ( to discover )

c)I __________________ my relatives last month . ( to visit

d)The secretaries _________________ their work early morning. ( to finish )

e)That story   ______________________ many years ago ( to happen)

f)The train ________________ a tunnel . ( to enter )

g)They all __________________ at  one another . ( to look )

h)My uncle ___________________ German when he was a little boy . ( to study )

i)I ____________ to call you last night , but you weren’t at home . ( try )

j)My neighbors ________________ to Brasilía  two years ago.    ( to move ).

k)The train _________________ five minutes ago. ( to stop )

l)He ___________________ his book  and ____________ to study yesterday . ( to open ) (to try)

m)I ____________ a new pair of shoes last night. (to buy )

n)We ___________ a wonderful play last week. ( to see )

o)They ____________ some mistakes in the test last month . ( to make ) ​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Usuário anônimo


a) walked

b) discovered

c) visited

d) finished

e) happened

f) entered

g) looked

h) studied

i) tried (elimina o "y" e coloca "ied")

j) moved

k) stopped

l) opened; tried

m) bought (irregular, muda de buy p/ bought no passado simples)

n) saw (mesma regra do anterior)

o) made (mesma regra do anterior)

evellyn01maria: obrigada
kassiaraqueiroga: obggģggggggggg^• _ •^♡☆
Respondido por StRiGnAdO

a) walked

b) discovered

c) visited

d) finished

e) happened

f) entered

g) looked

h) studied

i) tried

j) moved

k) stopped

l) opened - tried

m) bought

n) saw

o) made

kassiaraqueiroga: Nossa amei sua resposta
Emilipadovan33: a) kads
evellyn01maria: obrigada
guileonel2005: a) kads
StRiGnAdO: De nada. Abraxxx
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