1- Exercise A. Choose the correct question word – how long or how far. (ESCOLHA A ALTERNATIVA CORRETA)
a).…How long/How far is New York from Los Angeles?
New York is about 2,900 miles from Los Angeles.
b).…How long/How far does she usually spend in traffic?
She usually spends 2 hours in traffic.
c).…How long/How far is Melbourne from Paris
Melbourne is 12,249 miles far from Paris.
d)…How long/How far did he play tennis?
He played tennis for 30 minutes.
e).…How long/How fardo you usually stretch in the morning?
I usually stretch for 10 minutes.
f).…How long/How faris the bus stop?
The bus stop is 200 meters away.
Soluções para a tarefa
⇒⇒ How far - how long
a) How far is New York from Los Angeles?
New York is about 2,900 miles from Los Angeles.
b) How long does she usually spend in traffic?
She usually spends 2 hours in traffic.
c) How far is Melbourne from Paris
Melbourne is 12,249 miles far from Paris.
d) How long did he play tennis?
He played tennis for 30 minutes.
e) How long do you usually stretch in the morning?
I usually stretch for 10 minutes.
f) How far is the bus stop?
The bus stop is 200 meters away.
→→ How far = qual a distância
How far is it from Sao Paulo to Curitiba?
How far is it from Rio de Janeiro to Natal?
→→ How long = qual o comprimento, quanto tempo
How long is Amazon river?
How long will they stay in New York?