2. to dispense(ed):
3. to mint(ed):
4. to levy(ied):
5. toll:
6. to field:
7. to hold (held; held) one’s land:
8. fief:
9. grant:
10. heir:
11. oath:
12. faithfulness (fealty):
13. homage:
14. to attend:
15. summons:
16. agreed upon:
17. to feed:
18. to house (5 to host):
19. household:
20. to bankrupt:
21. feasting:
22. retinue:
23. boar:
24. peacock:
25. eel:
26. cask:
Soluções para a tarefa
⇒⇒ Translate
1. estate: propriedade - bens
2. to dispense(ed): dispensar - distribuir
3. to mint(ed): cunhar(moedas) - inventar
4. to levy(ied): arrecadas - cobrar / levied >> cobrado
5. toll: pedágio
7. to hold (held; held) one’s land: segurar
8. fief: feudo - campo
9. grant: conceder
10. heir: herdeiro (a)
11. oath: juramento
12. faithfulness (fealty): fidelidade - lealdade
13. homage: homenagem
14. to attend: frequentar - comparecer
15. summons: convocação - citação
16. agreed upon: de acordo
17. to feed: alimentar
18. to house (5 to host): abrigar / host >> anfitrião
19. household: a família
20. to bankrupt: falir - abrir falência
21. feasting: festa - festejar
22. retinue: comitiva
23. boar: javali
24. peacock: pavão
25. eel: enguia
26. cask: barril - tonel
6. to field: apenas ''field'' >> campo - área
7. to hold (held; held) one’s land: em vez de land >>>> hand
held >> passado de hold