Filosofia, perguntado por maristellasilva701, 1 ano atrás

1) Escreva qual a condicional encontra-se nas frases abaixo
a) If we had saved some money, we would have bought a new car
b) If she had come on saturday, I would have seen her.
c) If I study a lot, I get tired.
d) If you need help, talk to the teacher
e) If you buy one of these books now, I can get a good price for you
If I go to London, I can buy an English guidebook.
If I had lots of money, I could buy a big house.
If I lived in Brazil, I would be happy.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por larissahdasilva

a- if ; would

b- if ; would

c- if ; get

d- if ; talk

e- if ; get ; can ; could ; would

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