Inglês, perguntado por kaname45, 7 meses atrás

1) Escreva os verbos a seguir no gerúndio, observando as regras acima:
Exemplo: To go: going
a)to take:............................................. b)to sleep:....................................
c)to work:............................................. d)to study:....................................
e)to speak:........................................... f) to sing: .....................................
g)to play:............................................. h)to dance:...................................
i)to run:............................................... j) to eat:.......................................
2) Complete as frases com os verbos no Present Progressive na forma afirmativa (ex. am doing, is
eating, are coming). Siga as regras ortográficas acima para os verbos entre parênteses.
Exemplo: Charles is doing (do) his homework.
a. They ............................................................... (play) in the garden.
b. She ............................................................... (drive) fast today.
c. You ................................................................(talk) to each other today.
d. Be quiet please. The baby ................................................(sleep).
e. At the moment my wife............................................................... (feed) the dogs and
I ...................................................................................... (water) the plants.
f. The sky............................................................(get) dark. You'd better take an umbrella.
g. John ..................................................... (study) at the moment.
h. Where is Carla? She .................................................................(sit) in the living room.
i. What a nice dress you ..........................................................(wear) today.
j. He .................................................... (read) a comic book.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por gicvlcss18


1) a) taking

b) sleeping

c) working

d) studying

e) speaking

f) singing

g) playing

h) dancing

i) running

j) eating

2) a) are playing

b) is driving

c) are talking

d) is sleeping

e) is feeding/ am watering

f) is getting

g) is studying

h) is sitting

i) are wearing

j) is reading

Respondido por AnnOnImOBuRrO


a) Taking.

b) Sleeping.

c) Working.

d) Studying.

e) Speaking.

f) Singing.

g) Playing.

h) Dancing.

i) Runnning.

j) Eating.


a) They are playing in the garden.

b) She is driving fast today.

c) You are talking to each other today.

d) Be quiet please. The baby is sleeping.

e) At the moment my wife is feeding the dogs and I am watering the plants.

f) The sky is getting dark. You'd better take an umbrella.

g) John is studying at the moment.

h) She is sitting in the living room.

i) What a nice dress you are wearing today.

j) He is reading a comic book.

Espero ter ajudado, bons estudos! Fique em casa, e se proteja. :)

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