Inglês, perguntado por 9919461005, 8 meses atrás

1) Escreva nas formas negativa e interrogativa as frases usando o Present
Continuous: Change the sentences into negative and interrogative forms:
a) I am doing my own meal.
N –
I –
B) She is studying maths.
C) They are having breakfast.
2) Complete as frases usando o Past Continuous. Use the Past Continuous:
a) I ________________ lemonade. (drink)
b) It _______________ . (rain)
c) You ________________in my chair. (sit)
d) He _______________ to music.(listen)
e) John and I _____________ football. (play)

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por letidurlo
A) I am not doing my own meal
Am I doing my own meal?

B) She is not studying maths.
Is she studying maths?

C) They are not having breakfast
Are they having breakfast?

2. A) I am drinking lemonade
B) It is raining
C) You are sitting in my chair
D) He is listening to music
E) John and I are playing football
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