1)escreva as frases abaixo no passado simples acrescente uma expressão de tempo no final.
a)many people try to find true love on the internet
b)they like playing sports
c)the romans kills jesus in Jerusalem
d)she prefers swinming.
e)Pedro and Diane visit interesting places
f)we live in a small apatment.
Soluções para a tarefa
⇒⇒ Simple Past >> regular verbs
1) Escreva as frases abaixo no passado simples e acrescente uma
expressão de tempo no final.
a) Many people try to find true love on the internet
Many people tried to find true love on the internet last year.
b) They like playing sports.
They liked playing sports the day before yesterday.
c) The romans kill Jesus in Jerusalem.
The Romans killed Jesus in Jerusalem many centuries ago.
d) She prefers swimming.
She preferred swimming two years ago.
e) Pedro and Diane visit interesting places.
Pedro and Diane visited interesting places last month.
f) We live in a small aparment.
We lived in a small apartment many years ago.
→→ Regras para o passado de verbos regulares
→ Se o verbo terminar com a letra ''e'', basta acrescentar ''d''.
love – loved
smile – smiled
like – liked
→ Caso o verbo termine com uma consoante + a letra Y, substitua o ''y'' por ''ied''.
study – studied
try – tried
cry – cried
→ Mas se antes do ''y'' houver uma vogal simplesmente acrescenta o ''ed''.
play – played
stay – stayed
pray – prayed
→ Se o verbo terminar em consoante + vogal + consoante - CVC e esta for a sílaba tônica da palavra, dobra a ultima consoante e acrescenta ''ed''.
stop – stopped
prefer – preferred
plan – planned
→ Se a sílaba tônica for no início da palavra, é só acrescentar ''ed''
visit – visited
listen – listened
open – opened
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