Inglês, perguntado por AnonimazinhaaAnonima, 10 meses atrás

1) Escreva a frase abaixo no past perfect simple nas formas afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa.

I watched a good film at the weekend.

2) Conjugue o verbo to have no past perfect simple:

3) Qual das frases abaixo não está no perfect simple?:

a)Had you been waiting long before the airplane arrived?

b)You had not studies English before you moved to Brazil

c) Whe had had that car for fifteen years before it book down.

d)Before i came here,I had spoken to John.

e)He had written a letter to Carlos.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por lcustodio

1) Escreva a frase abaixo no past perfect simple nas formas afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa.

I watched a good film at the weekend.

I had watched a good film at the weekend.

I hadn't watched a good film at the weekend.

Had you watched a good film at the weekend?

2) Conjugue o verbo to have no past perfect simple:

I had had

You had had

He had had

She had had

It had had

We had had

You had had

They had had

3) Qual das frases abaixo não está no perfect simple?:

a)Had you been waiting long before the airplane arrived?

b)You had not studies English before you moved to Brazil

c) Whe had had that car for fifteen years before it book down.

d)Before i came here,I had spoken to John.

e)He had written a letter to Carlos.

A - ela está no past perfect continuous

Respondido por damianabem

Usamos o Past Perfect Simple para responder corretamente às questões abaixo:

Questão 1

Afirmativa → I had watched a good film at the weekend.

Negativa → I hadn't watched a good film at the weekend.

Interrogativa → Had you watched a good film at the weekend?

Questão 2

I had had

You had had

He had had

She had had

It had had

You had had

We had had

They had had

Questão 3

a) Had you been waiting long before the airplane arrived?

   A frase acima está no Present Perfect Continuous.

Past Perfect Simple

  • Usamos para expressar uma ação que ocorreu no passado antes de uma outra ação ter ocorrido.
  • É formado por Sujeito + had + verbo principal no particípio passado + complemento

Alguns Exemplos

  • The play had  started when we got there last night.
  • The play hadn't started when we got there last night.
  • Had the play started when we got there last night?

Saiba mais sobre Past Perfect clicando aqui


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