1 - Escreva a Forma Negativa e Interrogativa:
A - Jong live in Teresina
B - George Workshop a lotação
C - Tom Studies até Vespi
D - They live in Verona
E - We go to the club on Sundays
F - I Play the guitar every Day
G - Rodrigo and Peter work for Bradesco
E Jhon e n Jong
Soluções para a tarefa
Respondido por
Boa noite, vamos lá:
A - John lives in Teresina
I: Does John Live in Teresina?
N: John doesn't live in Teresina.
B - George Workshop a lotação
Está aqui a frase está confusa, não entendi portanto não tenho como passar pra interrogativa e negativa.
C - Tom Studies at Vespi
I: Does Tom study at Vespi?
N: Tom doesn't study at Vespi.
D - They live in Verona
I: Do they live in Verona?
N: They don't live in Verona.
E - We go to the club on Sundays
I: Do you go to the club on Sundays?
N: We don't go to the club on Sundays.
F - I Play the guitar every day
I: Do you play the guitar every day?
N: I don't play the guitar every day.
G - Rodrigo and Peter work for Bradesco
I: Do Rodrigo and Peter work for Bradesco?
N: Rodrigo and Peter don't work for Bradesco.
A - John lives in Teresina
I: Does John Live in Teresina?
N: John doesn't live in Teresina.
B - George Workshop a lotação
Está aqui a frase está confusa, não entendi portanto não tenho como passar pra interrogativa e negativa.
C - Tom Studies at Vespi
I: Does Tom study at Vespi?
N: Tom doesn't study at Vespi.
D - They live in Verona
I: Do they live in Verona?
N: They don't live in Verona.
E - We go to the club on Sundays
I: Do you go to the club on Sundays?
N: We don't go to the club on Sundays.
F - I Play the guitar every day
I: Do you play the guitar every day?
N: I don't play the guitar every day.
G - Rodrigo and Peter work for Bradesco
I: Do Rodrigo and Peter work for Bradesco?
N: Rodrigo and Peter don't work for Bradesco.
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