Inglês, perguntado por nattysilvaa1305, 9 meses atrás

1) Escreva a forma do Passado Simples dos Verbos Irregulares:
a) to have
g) to be
m) to think
b) to forgive
h) to do
n) to see
c) to drink
i) to sleep
o) to win
d) to drink
j) to send
p) to run
e) to go
k) to buy
q) to speak
f) to write
1) to sing
T) to learn​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por yab15lb

a) had

g) was/were

m) thought

b) forgot

h) did

n) saw

c) drank

i) slept

o) won

d) verbo repetido

j) sent

p) run

e) went

k) bought

q) spoke

f) wrote

1) sang

T) learned

Espero ter ajudado.

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