1. Escolha a opção do "modal verb" que completa adequadamente as frases de acordo com a situação: a) Teacher, _________ I come in? (permissão) * may might b) I was late for class yesterday because I _____ start my car. * could couldn't c) The weather is cloudy. It ______ rain today. (possibilidade) * could coundn't d) ________ I go to the bathroom? (permissão) * Might May e) Marion _______ read that novel next month. It looks really interesting. (possibilidade) * might may Analise a imagem para responder a questão nº 2. 2) Que sentido o modal verb MIGHT expressa na frase do cartum? * Permissão Possibilidade Analise a imagem para responder a questão nº 3. 3) Que sentido o modal verb MAY expressa na frase do cartum? * Permissão Possibilidade 4) Analise o anúncio publicitário abaixo para responder as próximas atividades. a) What product is being advertised? * a film milk b) What is the slogan of the advertisement? * Do you want strong bones? Got milk? c) The advertisement is part of a campaign. What is the main aim of the campaign? * Encourage people to drink milk. Encourage people to watch movies. d) What is the meaning of “MAY” in the advertisement? * Possibility Permission e) The best translation for the sentence "Got milk?" is: * Quer leite? Tem leite? 5) Analise o anúncio publicitário abaixo para responder as próximas atividades. a) O objetivo deste anúncio publicitário é: * Informar Conscientizar Vender b) Que mensagem o slogan “ADOPT, DON’T SHOP” quer transmitir? * A mensagem de que as pessoas devem vender animais. A mensagem de que as pessoas devem comprar animais. A mensagem de que as pessoas devem adotar animais. c) O slogan “ADOPT, DON’T SHOP” está no: * Modo imperativo Present continuous Simple past d) Que tipo de linguagem é predominante no texto? * Linguagem não verbal. Verbal e não-verbal. Formal e informal. e) A expressão "animal shelter" significa: * Loja de animais Criador de animais Abrigo de animais Do you know what a quote is? "Quote" é uma citação, é a repetição de uma frase ou passagem do discurso ou texto que alguém tenha dito ou escrito. Uma citação sempre está acompanhada do nome do seu autor. SABENDO DISSO, RESPONDA AS ATIVIDADES A SEGUIR: 6) What picture is a quote? (Qual das gravuras é uma citação?) * picture 1 picture 2 7) Who said this? Relacione as citações aos seus autores. * Vincent Van Gogh William Shakespeare Oscar Wilde Herman Melville “Art is the objectification of feeling.” “I want to touch people with art.” “Every portrait that is painted with feelings is a portrait of the artist, not of the sitter." “To be or not to be. It’s the question.” “Art is the objectification of feeling.” “I want to touch people with art.” “Every portrait that is painted with feelings is a portrait of the artist, not of the sitter." “To be or not to be. It’s the question.” 8) Leia a descrição de dois esportes e marque a alternativa correta. a) I am the world’s most popular sport. I have 2 different names. I am a team sport. Men and women play me. Every 4 years there is the World Cup. There are many competitions in each country, in Europe, Asia etc. * Soccer Basketball Baseball b) I am one of the most popular sports in Japan. I am a team sport. My sport has bases. I am played with a white ball. You have to run around all my four bases to get one point. My games are divided into innings. * Soccer Basketball Baseball 9) Leia o texto sobre SUSANA RODRIGUEZ para responder as atividades abaixo. With 5% of the vision, the Spanish woman Susana Rodríguez realized her dream of competing in a Paralympic Games in the triathlon in the same year she completed her medical course. Susana is albino and has had a vision problem since she was born. a) O que ela concluiu no mesmo ano? * Somente o triatlo. O triatlo e o curso de medicina. b) Ela tem problemas de visão… * desde que era um bebê. desde o acidente que sofreu. c) Triatlo envolve três esportes. Quais? * swimming, cycling and car racing swimming, cycling and running 10) READ THE TEXT BELOW TO ANSWER NEXT QUESTIONS: Sally: I absolutely hate gymnastics. Our gym teacher is really horrible. What I like best is swimming because I´m very good at it. I can swim the hundred meters faster than the other kids in my class. I also quite like badminton. a) Sally´s gym teacher is terrible. * True False b) Sally can swim 100 m very fast. * True False c) Sally loves gymnastics. * True False d) Sally doesn't like badminton. * True False e) Sally swims faster than the other kids. * True False
Soluções para a tarefa
Respondido por
1- a)may
ja chutei tudo menó
Respondido por
letra A)may
letra b)couldn't
letra c)could
letra d)may
letra e)might
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