Inglês, perguntado por simonecidri, 4 meses atrás

1 – Escolha a opção correta.
a) Mary __________(live/lives) in New York.
b) The girls ___________ (speak/speaks) Chinese.
c) She ____________ (love/loves) chocolate.
d) Carlos __________ (listen/listens) to music every day.
e) Karen and Susan ___________(cook/cooks) very well.
Chinese – Chinês
Speak – falar
Cook – cozinhar

2 – Do ou Does?
a) ______ Sarah like history?
b) ______ you play handball?
c) ______ they study English?
d) ______ Robert work downtown?
e) ______ Caroline have a brother?
f) ______ you like tomatoes?

Downtown – centro da cidade

3 – Don’t ou doesn’t?
a) William ______ have a bike.
b) Brenda and John ______ like math.
c) Cindy ________ study Portuguese.
d) My brothers _______ play volleyball.
e) Richard _______ have a cell phone.
f) The students ________ live in Taquara.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por akina26


a) lives

b) speak

c) loves

d) listens

e) cook


a) does

b) do

c) do

d) does

e) does

f) do


a) doesn't

b) don't

c) doesn't

d) don't

e) doesn't

f) don't

Respondido por snakesixx


a) lives


c) loves

d) listen


2 - a) Does

b) Do

c) Do

d) Does

e) Does

f) Do

3) a) Doesn't

b) Don't

c) doesn't

d) don't

e) doesn't

f) don't

Explicação: Does: é usado com a terceira pessoa do singular (he, she e it)

Do: é usado com as demais pessoas (I, you, we e they).

Don't: (I, you, we, they)

Doesn't (He, She, It)

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