Inglês, perguntado por bibi1348, 6 meses atrás

1 - Escolha a alternativa que preenche corretamente os espaços abaixo: (0,5)
“Susie _________________ (to watch) a film, when she ________________ (to hear) a noise in the other room. “
a ( ) were watching / heard b ( ) was watching / heard
2 - Escolha a alternativa que preenche corretamente os espaços abaixo: (0,5)
“I _________________ ( to take) a shower, when the phone ____________ (to ring) and I had to cut the shower short.”
a ( ) was taking / rang b ( ) were taking / rang
3 - Escolha a alternativa que preenche corretamente os espaços abaixo: (0,5)
“ The boss ________________ ( to call) while they __________________ (to finish) to write the official document.”
a ( ) called / were finishing b ( ) call / was finishing
4 - As seguintes frases pertencem ao SIMPLE PAST ou ao PAST CONTINUOUS ou contém os dois na mesma frase, seu trabalho é dizer a qual situação pertence.... (0,5 cada)
(A) Simple past
(B) Past continuous
(C) Simple past e Past continuous
( ) They were coming home before the accident happened.
( ) I went home yesterday after I got really tired of walking.
( ) The boy was talking to the other side while his mum was making amends.
5 - Escreva ​1 ​sentença que apareça o ​SIMPLE PAST e PAST CONTINUOUS j​untos. ​Não pode ser frases separadas (situações sem relação uma com a outra). Tem que aparecer os dois tempos verbais. Escreva no português e passe para o inglês. (0,5)
Português: ___________________________________________________________ Inglês: ______________________________________________________________

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por henriqueaguiarviana


1 - Escolha a alternativa que preenche corretamente os espaços abaixo: (0,5)

“Susie _______were watching__________ (to watch) a film, when she ______heard__________ (to hear) a noise in the other room. “

a (    x    ) were watching  /  heard   b (        ) was watching / heard

2 - Escolha a alternativa que preenche corretamente os espaços abaixo: (0,5)

“I ______were taking___________ ( to take) a shower, when the phone ____rang________ (to ring) and I had to cut the shower short.”

a (       ) was taking / rang   b (x) were taking / rang

3 - Escolha a alternativa que preenche corretamente os espaços abaixo: (0,5)

“ The boss ____called____________ ( to call) while they ___were finishing_______________ (to finish) to write the official document.”  

a (   x    ) called / were finishing  b (        ) call / was finishing

4 - As seguintes frases pertencem ao SIMPLE PAST ou ao PAST CONTINUOUS ou contém os dois na mesma frase,  seu trabalho é dizer a qual situação pertence…. (0,5 cada)

(A) Simple past

(B) Past continuous

(C) Simple past e Past continuous

(   b   ) They were coming home before the accident happened.  

(  a    ) I went home yesterday after I got really tired of walking.

(   c   ) The boy was talking to the other side while his mum was making amends.  

5 - Escreva 1 sentença que apareça o SIMPLE PAST e PAST CONTINUOUS juntos. Não pode ser frases separadas (situações sem relação uma com  a outra). Tem que aparecer os dois tempos verbais. Escreva no português e passe para o inglês.  (0,5)

Português: ___________________________________________________________

Inglês: ______________________________________________________________


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