Inglês, perguntado por Dreaaa, 1 ano atrás

1. Escolha a alternativa gramaticalmente correta:
a) There we ream old house here last year.
b) There are 30 students in this classroom.
c) Is there many tall buildings in your town?
d) There is many cars parked here.
e) There was a dog barking from that a part men tomorrow.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por CremildaBR


There is - there are - there was - there were

a) There were an old house here last year.  >> errada

b) There are 30 students in this classroom.  >> correta

c) Is there many tall buildings in your town?  >> errada

d) There is many cars parked here.  >> errada

e) There was a dog barking from that apartment tomorrow. >> errada



a) There were an old house here last year.  

   ''There were'' é plural. O correto é ''There was'' porque ''an old house'' está no singular.

c) Is there many tall buildings in your town?

   ''Is there'' é singular. O correto é ''Are there'' porque ''many tall buildings'' está no plural.

d) There is many cars parked here.

   ''There is'' é singular. O correto é ''There are'' porque ''many cars'' está no plural.

e) There was a dog barking from that apartment tomorrow.

   ''There was'' é passado >>> havia

   ''tomorrow'' é futuro >>> amanhã

There is - There are - There was - There were

There is - verbo ''haver'' - ''existir'' - simple present - singular

There is a Japanese student in my class.

There are - verbo ''haver'' - ''existir'' - simple present - plural

There are three cars in front of my house.

There was - verbo ''haver'' - ''existir'' - passado - singular

There was a boy at the bakery

There were - verbo ''haver'' - ''existir'' - passado - plural

There were many people at the show.

CremildaBR: Por favor, nao se esqueça de avaliar e marcar como ''melhor resposta'', se puder. ;)
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