Inglês, perguntado por bibicandyy, 10 meses atrás

1. Do you spend _______ time studying for the
2. Martin bought _______ furniture in a secondhand shop.
3. I can’t see _______ stars in the sky tonight.
4. The thieves didn’t take _______ jewellery from
the house.
5. There were too_______ people at the concert last
6. Sheila doesn’t have _______ free time. She
always works _______.
7. _______ students are participating in the
computer competition.
8. Carol is a very shy person. That’s why she doesn’t
have _______ friends.
9. We haven’t got _______ time left. We must leave
now. Hurry up!
10. Don’t buy more apples. We’ve got _______.
11. There wasn’t _______ traffic on the motorway
last weekend.
12. I don’t receive _______ letters from my friends
13. There was so _______ smoke in the room that I
had to open the window.
14. There are too _______ children in this classroom.
15. There were _______ traffic accidents in the bad
16. Do you need _______ carrots for this recipe?
17. My parents enjoyed their two-day trip _______

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por kbarretovet


1. Do you spend much time studying for the exams?


2. Martin bought much furniture in a secondhand shop.

3. I can’t see many stars in the sky tonight.

4. The thieves didn’t take much jewellery from

the house.

5. There were too many people at the concert last


6. Sheila doesn’t have much free time. She

always works a lot.

7. Many students are participating in the

computer competition.

8. Carol is a very shy person. That’s why she doesn’t

have many friends.

9. We haven’t got much time left. We must leave

now. Hurry up!

10. Don’t buy more apples. We’ve got many.

11. There wasn’t much traffic on the motorway

last weekend.

12. I don’t receive many letters from my friends


13. There was so much smoke in the room that I

had to open the window.

14. There are too many children in this classroom.

15. There were many traffic accidents in the bad


16. Do you need many carrots for this recipe?

17. My parents enjoyed their two-day trip a lot.

O uso de many serve pra substantivos que podem ser contados, citando alguns exemplos das frases acima, nós temos carrots (cenouras), children (crianças), students (estudantes), e em inglês esses substantivos não apresentam uma palavra diferente para representar seu plural.

much, serve pra substantivos incontáveis, como time (tempo), traffic (tráfego), furniture (móveis), e diferente dos substantivos contáveis, eles não possuem uma palavra diferente ou variação para representar seu plural, logo nós apenas deduzimos seu valor dentro do contexto da frase.

E a lot ou a lof of, pode ser usado tanto como much quanto many, e seria uma forma mais informal de dizer a mesma coisa.

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