1. Dallas is the city __________
Kennedy was shot.
2. Bill Clinton was the president__________
wife was called Hillary,
3. Sunday is the day__________
most countries respect a day of rest in the week.
4. Rotterdam is the port_______
is the busiest in Europe.
5. Yasser Arafat is the person_________
is the Palestinian leader.
6. Robinson Crusoe is the fictional character
companion was Man Friday.
Smog is the thing_______
is a combination of fog and smoke, or pollution.
Rum is the strong drink________
is associated with the Caribbean.
9. The Euro is the currency
is used in most of Europe.
10. Napoleon is the man________
wife was called Josephine,
11. Ametallurgist is a person_________
studies metals.
Hiroshima is the place_________
the first atomic bomb was dropped.
1914 is the year_________
the First World War started.
Your mother-in-law is the person__________
son or daughter is married to you,
15. A stapler is a thing__________
you use to attach papers together.
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Soluções para a tarefa
Respondido por
1 - Where Kennedy was shot.
2 - Whose wife was called Hillary.
3 - When most countries respect a day of rest in the week.
4 - That is the busiest in Europe.
5 - Who is the Palestinian leader.
6 - Whose companion was Man Friday.
7 - That is a combination of fog and smoke.
8 - That is associated with the Caribbean.
9 - That is used the most.
10 - Whose wife was called Josephine.
11 - Who studies metals.
12 - Where the first atomic bomb was dropped.
13 - When the First World War started.
14 - Whose son or daughter is married to you.
15 - That you use to attach papers together.
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