Inglês, perguntado por gihgio13, 9 meses atrás

1.Correct the mistakes that exame candidates made with questions. Two are correct.

a. When you want to come here?
b. Where you are now?
c. How about meet at the 7 o'clock?
d. Why don't se meet at the station?
e. Why you think It is interesting?
f. What do you want to buy?
g. Who he does like?

2.Ask and answer questions

a. Why / you / happy?
b. Where / you / live?
c. What / your dad's / first name?
d. When / this lesson / finish?
e. Who / special friend?
f. How / lending me...?

3.Complete the sentences with an adjective from the box. There is one extra adjective. Then find three more adjectives in the sentences

amazing/ free/ horrible / pleased / popular / sick / true / worried

a. My mum's...................- she's in bed with flu
b. Are you................tonight? Let's go out!
c. This sweet is really...............! Can I have a different one?
d. I'm see you. How are you?
e. Don't look so.....................- I'm not angry!
f. Your new phone is..................! I want one.
g. Why is this cartoon so...............? I think it's really boring!

por favor eu preciso das respostas pra hoje!!!!!!!!!!!!

gihgio13: obrigada ;)
gihgio13: muito obrigada mesmo

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por jikookereal123321

a. When do you want to come here?

b. Where are you now?

c. correct.

d. Não entendi :(

e. Why do you think that it is interesting?

f correct.

g. Não entendi :((


a: Why are you happy?

I'm happy because I have good results!

b. Where do you live?

I live in ------

c. What is your dad's first name?

My dad's first name is ------

d. When does this lesson finish?

This lesson finish at -----

e. Who is a/your special friend?

My/ A special friend is ----

f. ???


a. sick

b. free

c. horrible

d. pleased

e. worried

f. amazing

g. popular


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