Inglês, perguntado por raquelprudencio, 9 meses atrás

1-  Complete with THERE WAS / THERE WERE in the sentences correctly:  ( complete as frases com THERE WAS / THERE WERE nas frases corretamente )

a- _____________________ ten students in the Times Square.
b- ______________________ one cat on the sofa.
c- ______________________ an orange into the box.
d- ______________________ one pot on the table.
e- ______________________ six bikes in the street.
f- _______________________ two girls dancing ballét.

2- Pass the sentences above in the interrogative and negative contracted forms : ( passe as frases abaixo para as formas interrogativa e negativa contraída)

a- There is one car in my garage.
b- There are seven books on the shelf.
c- There was one flower into the vase.
d- There were many people working last week.
e- There were eleven players in the stadium.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por juliavhesteves


a)There were

b)There was

c)There was

d)There was

e)There was

f)There were

there were é usado com we/you/they

there was com I/he/she/it

2-a) there isn't one car in my garage

is there one car in my garage?

b)there aren't seven books on the shelf

are there seven books on the shelf?

c)there weren't many people working last week

were there many people working last week?

e)there weren't eleven players in the stadium

were there eleven players in the stadium?


Respondido por CremildaBR


⇒⇒⇒ There is - there are

a- THERE ARE ten students in the Times Square.  >> plural

b- THERE IS one cat on the sofa.    >>> singular

c- THERE IS an orange into the box.    >>> singular

d- THERE IS one pot on the table.       >>> singular

e- THERE ARE six bikes in the street.    >>> plural

f- THERE ARE two girls dancing ballet.  >>> plural

2- Pass the sentences above in the interrogative and negative contracted forms :  

a- There is one car in my garage.

Is there one car in my garage?

There isn't  one car in my garage.

b- There are seven books on the shelf.

Are there  seven books on the shelf?

There aren't seven books on the shelf.

c- There was one flower into the vase.

Was there one flower into the vase?

There wasn't one flower into the vase.

d- There were many people working last week.

Were there many people working last week.?

There weren't many people working last week.

e- There were eleven players in the stadium.

Were there eleven players in the stadium?

There weren't eleven players in the stadium.


→→ There is / There are - verbo ''haver'' - ''existir'' - simple present

→→ There was / there were - simple past

  • There is - singular
  • There was - singular

        There is a girl in the kitchen. - Há uma garota na cozinha.

        There is a pencil on the table. - Há um lápis em cima da mesa

        There was a car right there. - Havia um carro bem ali.

        There was an apple in the fridge. - Havia uma maçã na geladeira.

  • There are - plural
  • There were - plural

        There are two girls in the kitchen. - Há duas garotas na cozinha

        There are many books on the shelf. - Há muitos livros na prateleira.

        There were many people at the bar. - Havia muitas pessoas no bar.

         There were ten boys at the park. - Havia dez meninos no parque.

Atenção: Em português, o verbo ‘’haver’’ no sentido de ''existir'' e ''haver'' não tem plural, conforme pode ser visto nos exemplos em português.

→→ Estrutura There is / there are - Interrogativa

Is there / Are there + complemento + ?

Is there a girl in the kitchen?

Are there many books on the table?

→→ Estrutura There is / there are - Negativa

There is not / There isn't  + complemento

There isn’t a girl in the kitchen.

There aren't three books on the shelf.

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