Inglês, perguntado por vitoriadaniele2005, 2 meses atrás

1.Complete whit the verb to be in the negative foram.

A)I............reading a very pleasant book last night.

B)He...........watching TV when his mother arrived.

C)My father and my little brother...........playing soccer now.

D)My mother............having lunch with her friend.

E)They............working hard in ther college Project.

F)It..............sleeping in the his house.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por byelnd


a) was reading

b) was watching

c) were playing

d) was having

e) were working


Lembre-se de que o passado contínuo em inglês será sempre composto pelo verbo to be no passado e outro verbo com -ing. Verifique sempre os pronomes utilizados nas sentenças para não errar.

I, he, she, it = Was

They, we, you = Were

Quando houver mais de uma pessoa, também se usa “were”, como no exemplo acima: My father and my little brother were playing soccer yesterday.

vitoriadaniele2005: obg
byelnd: Marca como melhor resposta.
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