Inglês, perguntado por mariafirmino123, 2 meses atrás

1)Complete usando o verbo tô bem na forma interrogativa:

a)_______ you from Paris?

b)_______ he in his room?

c)_______ the exercise correct?

D)_______ we fit enough?

E)_______ they in the cinema?​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por lannaalves0


Are you from Paris?

Is he in his home?

Are the exercise corret?

Are we fit enough?

Are they in the cinema?


Respondido por marianarocha0903

a) Are you from Paris?

b) Is he in his room?

c) Are the exercise correct?

D) Are we fit enough?

E) Are they in the cinema?​

espero ter ajudado :)

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