Inglês, perguntado por juliamr664, 10 meses atrás

1 - Complete these conversations with was, wasn’t, were or weren’t.
a) Liam: Do you remembre your first teacher?
Olivia: Yeah, Mr. Davis. He __________ a lot of fun. He __________ never strict.
__________ your teachers fun?
Liam: No, They __________. They __________ Always very strict.
b) Noah: Mom, do you remembre the first CD you bought?
Emma: Yeah, honey. It __________ The Backstreet Boys. They __________ my favorite
c) Ava: Did you have a pet when you __________ a kid?
Oliver: Yeah. My first pet __________ a little pony. It __________ very big.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por samaraceline

Liam: Do you remembre your first teacher?

Olivia: Yeah, Mr. Davis. He Was a lot of fun. He Was never strict.

Were your teachers fun?

Liam: No, They Weren't They Were Always very strict.

b) Noah: Mom, do you remembre the first CD you bought?

Emma: Yeah, honey. It Was The Backstreet Boys. They Were my favorite


c) Ava: Did you have a pet when you Were a kid?

Oliver: Yeah. My first pet Was a little pony. It Was very big.

nicksilvestre: Como você põe em negrito?
leidimara281: Você pode colocar em negrito com as funções que tem na plataforma....tem uma letra ,se não me engano é a letra 'I' , então você clica e muda a forma para negrito, título oi subtítulo...
leidimara281: Ou*
Respondido por larissamagrani

Simple Past é um tempo verbal na língua inglesa que equivale ao pretérito perfeito na Língua Portuguesa.

Liam: Do you remembre your first teacher?

Olivia: Yeah, Mr. Davis. He was a lot of fun. He was never strict.

Were your teachers fun?

Liam: No, They weren't. They were Always very strict.

b) Noah: Mom, do you remembre the first CD you bought?

Emma: Yeah, honey. It was The Backstreet Boys. They were my favorite


c) Ava: Did you have a pet when you were a kid?

Oliver: Yeah. My first pet was a little pony. It was very big.

Utiliza-se o Simple Past nas frases em que há sentido de ação concluída e finalizada. Além disso, há uso de advérbios que representam atividades que ocorreram no passado, como: yesterday, the day before yesterday, last night, last week e ago.

Neste tempo verbal, utiliza-se verbos regulares (walked, worked, played, washed, etc.) e verbos irregulares (went, drank, flew, saw, etc.).

Exemplos: He studied Math last night./ We did not (didn't) go to school last week./ I called you two days ago.

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