Inglês, perguntado por NDgamer, 2 meses atrás

1-Complete the sentences with the regular verbs below in the past :

a) Jerome _________________ (visit) me last night.

b) Patricia ____________________(watch) my favorite show yesterday .

c) My neighbors _______________(like) the movie "Frozen"

d) Jason ______________________ to a new house with his family.

e) Josephine ______________(to call) me on the cell phone last night.

2-Analyze the text below and remove all regular verbs (regular verbs). Write them .

In Beja we visited our parents
and the walked along Beja's
beach. At 3 o'clock we traveled
to Belém by bus. We arrived
here around 9 o'clock and
watched a film on TV.

3. Fill in the sentence gaps with "regular verbs".

a) I____________a good film yesterday. (to watch)

b) He ___________her friends last weekend. (to visit)

c) They __________the violin at the party. (to play)

d) They_____________hard last month. (to work)

e) You______________your living room very well! (to clean)

4- Mark the verb that best completes the sentences below:

I. We _____________ (leave) the classroom very early.

a) went

b) left

c) did

d) arrived

II. They _____________ (go) to the countryside.

a) arrived

b) did

c) went

d) drank

III. We _____________ (eat) different foods in the party.

a) ate

b) drank

c) left

d) came

IV. The kids _____________ (run) in the park yesterday.

a) left

b) ate

c) came

d) ran

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por natasha00196

1) a) Jerome visited me last night.

b) Patricia watched my favorite show yesterday.

c) My neighbors liked the movie "Frozen".

d) Jason moved to a new house with his family (coloquei um verbo que achei

que encaixava porque não tem nenhum nesse enunciado)

e) Josephine called me on the cell phone last night

2) The regular verbs in the text are: visited, walked, traveled, arrived, watched.

3) a) I watched a good film yesterday.

b) He visited her friends last weekend.

c) They played the violin at the party.

d) They worked hard last month.

e) You cleaned your living room very well!

4) I. b) left

II. c) went

III. a) ate

IV. d) ran

Espero ter ajudado!

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