Inglês, perguntado por antonella145, 8 meses atrás

1. Complete the sentences with the correct verbs and put them in the correct form.
to pretend
to harm
to refuse
to protect
to be

a. None of the students have__________ to talk to the principal. We will soon find out who broke the chair.

b. Both George and Ben must stop___________ they know everything!

c. Don't you think all of them have the right to be____________ from bullying?

d. You shouldn't feel bad about his disapproval. We knew there could____________ some
rejection or discomfort about your decision.

e. Nobody was____________ during the accident; that's why none of the passengers were
taken to the hospital.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por estivin81
A letra a e proteção
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