Inglês, perguntado por jaisonkusese11, 3 meses atrás

1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of to be.

1 My brother is only ten so he .... (not) at my school.
2 They .... (not) at home. Where.... (they)?
3 .... (we) late for school?' 'Yes, you .....'
4 I.... (not) British. I .... American.
5 .... there a shopping centre in town?''Yes, there...., but there .... (not) any good shops in it.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Eutoimpactada


My brother is only ten so he is not) at my school.

2 They are (not) at home. Where are (they)?

3 Are (we) late for school?' 'Yes, you are.'

4 I am (not) British. I am American.

5 is there a shopping centre in town?''Yes, there is , but there has (not) any good shops in it.

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