Inglês, perguntado por guilhermeguiga127, 2 meses atrás

1)complete the sentences with irregular verbs. (A) i mary yesterday.(see) (B)Paul and joe to school in the morning. (go) (C)they back at 1. (come) (D) my mother up at 6. (get) (E) i breakfast at 7. (have) (F)i a glass of milk. (drink) (G)she to me in englis.(speak) (H) they in the library. (be)plural (i) she at home. (be-singular) (J) they the booke from the shelf.(take) (K)she a coin in the street. (find) (L)she to man in english.(speak) (M)i a lot this morning. (eat)

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por kaylanedias

a) I saw Mary yesterday

b) Paul and Joe go to school ...(go=went)

c) they came back at 1

d) my mother get up at 6 (get=got)

e) I have breakfast at 7 (have=had)

f) I drank a glass of milk

g) she spoke to me in english

h) they are in the library (are=were)

i) she is at home (is=was)

j) they took the book...

k) she found a coin...

l) she spoke to ...

m) I ate a lot this morning

(eu nn sei se era pra ser tudo no passado, fui pelo contexto das frases, mas se for passado msm, vou botar entre parenteses como seria o verbo)

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