Inglês, perguntado por danilonunes240310, 1 ano atrás

1- Complete the sentences. Choose from: I’d like Would you like to try Do you mind Can I take Can I give Would you like to come Would you like I’d like to a) You’re driving and you see a friend walking along the road. You stop and say: Hi, Joe. Can I give you a lift? b) You’re making a cold drink for your friend. Perhaps he wants ice. You ask: ______________________ ice in your drink? c) You’re ordering something to eat in a cafe. You say: ______________________ a chicken salad, please. d) You have an extra ticket for a concert. Maybe your friend will come. You ask: ______________________ to a concert tomorrow night? e) You answer the phone. The caller wants to speak to Lisa. You say: Lisa’s not here. ______________________ a message? f) You need to see a dentist. You phone for an appointment. You say: Hello, ______________________ make an appointment, please. g) You work in a shoe shop. A customer asks you about some shoes. You ask: ______________________ them on? h) You go into a café and see some people you know. You ask: ______________________ if I join you?

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por CremildaBR


⇒⇒  Modal verb - ''would''

a) You’re driving and you see a friend walking along the road. You stop and say: Hi, Joe. Can I give you a lift?

b) You’re making a cold drink for your friend. Perhaps he wants ice. You ask: Would you like ice in your drink?

c) You’re ordering something to eat in a cafe. You say: I’d like a chicken salad, please.

d) You have an extra ticket for a concert. Maybe your friend will come. You ask: Would you like to come to a concert tomorrow night?

e) You answer the phone. The caller wants to speak to Lisa. You say: Lisa’s not here. Can I take a message?

f) You need to see a dentist. You phone for an appointment. You say: Hello,  I’d like to make an appointment, please.

g) You work in a shoe shop. A customer asks you about some shoes. You ask:  Would you like to try them on?

h) You go into a café and see some people you know. You ask: Do you mind if I join you?


⇒⇒ Modal verbs >> são verbos ''diferentes'' que possuem características próprias. São usados para auxiliar o verbo principal da frase. Não são conjugados, não recebem ''s'' na terceira pessoa do singular, não têm plural. São sempre escritos da mesma forma, independente do contexto. Não têm tradução se estiverem sozinhos, sem um verbo em seguida.

→→  Would - passado de ''will'' - é usado para falar sobre uma situação hipotética, para pedir ou oferecer algo.

I would like a cup of coffee, please.

Would you like something to eat?

I would travel more if I had more money.

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