Inglês, perguntado por cupido258cupido, 10 meses atrás

1 - Complete the sentences about Beth:

a) Beth may go to law school When she ____________ from college – if she ____________

good grades.

b) Beth needs to decide before she ____________ home for the summer.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por savitoria4237


1) a) Beth may go to law school when she graduate from college, if she get good grades.

b) Beth needs to decide before she go home for the summer

2) a) When class will be over today, I'm going to shopping.

b) Before I go to bed Tonight, I'll probably drink tea.

c) Maybe I'll watch that movie next weekend if I have time.

d) When my English will be totally fluente, I hope I'll be able to speak more confidently.

e) If I'll earn a lot of Money in the next ten Year, I may move out from here.

f) In the future, if I don't have a good job, I might try another career.

g) I hope I'll be able to rest after I retire.


Camiladasilvarocha27: obg
daisaoliveira014: valeu ✌
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