1. Complete the information about different cultural events in Brazil. Use the appropriate form of
The verbs in parentheses.
a) In June, Brazilians ________(have) lots of fun at Festas Juninas, partis that ______ (celebrate)
Saints Anthony, John, and Peter. People______ (eat) traditional foods and _________ (dance) a
Theatrical choreography known as quadrilha.
b) Anima Mundi is na international festival for animated films that__________(take) place in Rio de
Janeiro and São Paulo every year. It_______(include) hundreds of films, from traditional animation
To 3D.
c) Every year since 1992, the Curitiba Theater Festival_______(entertain) locals and tourists with
National and international plays.
d) Joinville (SC)____________(host) the International Dance Festival every July. Dancers from Brazil
And other countries______________( compete) for 11 days, and they also____________(participate)
In courses and workshops.
e) The Parintins Folklore Festival happens in late June, in Parintins (AM). During the festival, the
Members of two associations – Garantido and Caprichoso ____________(sing)
,___________________(dance), and compete in a huge stage called Bumbódromo.
2. Passe as frases para a forma negative e depois para forma interrogativa.
a) Carnaval takes place in May.
b) People dance samba at Festas Juninas.
c) Mary watches plays on Copacabana Beach at Reveillon.
d) I am a very rich engineer.
e) Selena Gomes is a very famous actress.
f) Zack Efron and Vanessa Hudgens are married.
3. Circle the letter of the correct answer.
A) Our house _____ five bedrooms.
a) Have b) has c) does d) do
B) ________ you like music?
a) Do b) Are c) Does d) is
B) Sue doesn’t________ brothers.
a) Have any b) have no c) has any d) have none
C) I ______ like video games.
a) Isn’t b) doesn’t c) is not d) don’t
D) ______ he like California?
a) Does b) Do c) Are d) is
E) My parents_____ curly hair.
a) Do b) has c) have d) don’t
F) My cousin____ Josh Hartnett
a) Like b) likes c) do like d) has like
G) She_____ an iPod.
a) Don’t have b) not has c) have not d) doesn’t have
H) My friends______ pop music.
a) Love b) loves c) does love d) is love
I) ______ they have a computer?
a) Does b) Do c) is d) are
J) She ______ my aunt.
a) Aren’t b) doesn’t c) isn’t d) does
Soluções para a tarefa
Respondido por
Resposta: A) have, celebrates, eat, dances
B) takes, includes
C) entertains
D) host, compete, participate
E) sing, dance
Explicação: Obrigado bom estudo!
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