Inglês, perguntado por barretonoelly, 5 meses atrás

1. Complete os espaços em branco com a, na ou the.

a) Good morning. My name is John Hayes. I am English. I am ____ bank manager in London.

b) | work in ____ office in ____ city. In ____ office there is a desk and ____ chair.

c) On deek there is ____ telephone an ____ vase. I live in ____ house ____ the country. In ____ house
there is ____ living room. ____ dining room, and ____ kitchen. There are three bedrooms, and two bathrooms. It is
very quiet in ____ country.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por isabellawerner07


a) the

b) the/ on / an / a

c) a / a / a / a / the / a / a / a / a

espero ter ajudado ^^

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