Inglês, perguntado por joaostossouza, 7 meses atrás

1- Complete os espaços com when, where, who, and which: a- Washington D.C is the place ____________ you find the best fireworks displays on July 4th. b- It was called the Holocaust, _____________ millions of people perished just because of their faith. c- The Celtics were the ones _________ started the tradition we all know today as Halloween. d- Times Square is the place ___________ thousands of people celebrate New Year's Eve. e- Labor Day celebrates the contributions ___________ workers have made in their countries.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por KemyAssis


a. Washington D.C is the place where you find the best fireworks displays on July 4th.

b. It was called the Holocaust, when millions of people perished just because of their faith.

c. The Celtics were the ones who started the tradition we all know today as Halloween.

d. Times Square is the place where thousands of people celebrate New Year's Eve.

e. Labor Day celebrates the contributions which workers have made in their countries.

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