Inglês, perguntado por alessandrasoares2007, 8 meses atrás

1) Complete os espaços abaixo com os verbos entre
parênteses sem o to usando o auxiliar will na forma
next month.
a) Sally thinks she_____next month
(to travel)

b) They______around 5 in the afternoon
(to arrive)

c) I believe it______.
(to rain)

d)we_______happy tomorrow. (To be)

e) They_________later. (to work)​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por ingridsfroosa


a) Sally thinks she will travel next month.

b) They will arrive around 5 in the afternoon.

c) I believe it will rain.

d) We will be happy tomorrow.

e) They will work later.

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