Inglês, perguntado por guichave2, 7 meses atrás

1) Complete o diálogo com "some" ou "any".
A: Let's go for a picnic by the beach tomorrow.
B: OK. We'll make
sandwiches. What do we need?
A: We haven't got
bread. Can you buy
B: Yes, sure. What about butter?
A: I've got
I'll buy
cheese, shall 1?
B: OK, and is there
orange juice in the fridge?
A: No, I'll get
B: Do we have
apples or strawberries?
A: We've just got apples.
B: I'll get
strawberries. I haven't got
money to buy all these​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Luiza9776


any, some, any, some, any, some, some, any

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