Inglês, perguntado por barbosagorete365, 8 meses atrás

1- Complete corretamente
os espaços abaixo com o verb (there is) ou
(There are)
a)______25 students in the classe.
b)______a Hospital in the city. c)_______Two teachers in school.
d)_______12 Music in the cd.
e)_______a good film in tv.
f)_______his friends in House.
g)_______very vegetables in milk.
h)________a mango. i) ________Some fish.
j)________Six eggs.
k)________Some cherry.
l) _______Two Bananas.
m)_____ a Bed in the bedroom.
n)______a windows in the House

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por mel6388


a)There are 25 students in theclass

b)There is a hospital in the city

c) There are two teachers in school

d) There are 12 music in the cd

e) there is a good film in tv

f) there are his friends in house

g) there are very vegetables in milk

h) there is a mango

i) there are some fish

j) there are six eggs

k)there are some cherry

l) there are two bananas

m) there is a bed in the bedroom

n) there is a windows in the house

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