Inglês, perguntado por anapaulasousamacalai, 2 meses atrás

1. Complete com was, were, was not, were not.
a) Jonathan and Clarice ____________in class yesterday.
b)__________ he with his parents?
c) The dog ___________in my garden
d) Where___________ the books?
e) My mother __________in France, she was in Germany.
f) I wish you__________ here!
g)__________ your parents happy?
h) My brother and my sister __________good children at school.
i) Your ex girlfriend ________ very beautiful!
j) How _______Ana last week. ​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por camilaimlau


a- were

b- was

c- was

d- was

e- was not

f- were

g- were

h- were

i- was

j- was

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