Inglês, perguntado por hevillyRayane142, 5 meses atrás

1)Complete com os pronomes relativos who,which,whose, where, when, that.

a)_________are you.(pessoa)

b)The oranges_______/_______were here simply


c)Rodrigo _______is my best friend is a good actor.(pessoa)

d)Washington ,DC is a city ____________is particular beautiful in


e)I know a man ___________job is making monuments.(posse)

f)The city ____________at ________I was born in 1977.

g)___________Do you live.(lugar)

h)_____________is your birthday.(tempo)

i)____________are you from.(lugar)

j)____________Do you to the movie.(tempo)

2)Passe as frases para a forma interrogativa e negativa:

a)They may still succed.



b)He may be slow ,but he does very good work.



C)You might at least apologize.



Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por UmaPanquecaOtaku


1. a) who are you

b) The oranges that were here simply disappeared.

c) Rodrigo who is my best friend is a good actor

d) Washington , DC is a city that is particular beautiful in Spring

e) I know a man whose job is making monuments

f) where e when

g) where do you live

h) when is your birthday?

i) where are you from

j) when do you go to the movie?


a ) (I) - can they still succeed?

(N) they cannot succeed

b) (I) Does he do a very good job?

(N) He can be slow, but He doesn't do a very good job.

c) (I) Can you at least apologize?

(N) You might at least not apologize.


Espero ter ajudado , boa noite e bons estudos

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