Inglês, perguntado por pereiraesthevao, 5 meses atrás

1) Complete com o verbo entre parênteses no SIMPLE FUTURE TENSE:

a) The class......... at 7:30. (to begin)

b) I ............ a doctor someday. (to be)

c) My parents New York next month. (to travel)

d) The students ........... a book every week. (to read)

e) It ............ next weekend. (to rain)

2) Complete as frases com o PAST CONTINUOUS TENSE dos verbos entre parênteses:

a) The woman .............. the house. (to clean)

b) My mother .............. a meal. (to cook)

c) I ............ for the test. (to study)

d) The boys ......... video game. (to play)

e) The cat ........... on the sofa. (to sleep)

3) Coloque as frases abaixo na forma Interrogativa:

a) The students were reading the book.
b) My father was washing the car.
c) I was studying Maths.
d) You were my best friend.
e) The dog was barking a lot.


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por vitoriavivirb

a) The class will begin at 7:30.

b) I will be a doctor someday.

c) My parents will travel to New York next month.

d) The students will read a book every week.

e) It will rain next weekend.


a) The woman was cleaning the house.

b) My mother was cooking a meal.

c) I was studying for the test.

d) The boys were playing video game.

e) The cat was sleeping on the sofa.


a) Were the students reading the book?

b) Was my father washing the car?

c) Was I studying Maths?

d) Were you my best friend?

e) Was the dog barking a lot?

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