Inglês, perguntado por jhenniffer65, 5 meses atrás

1. Complete com o presente simples: My parents _______________ Italian and French classes on Thurdays every week. *

10 pontos




2. Qual é a alternativa que apresenta apenas advérbios de modo? *

10 pontos

a) gently – fast – often – terribly

b) badly – silently – terribly – happily.

c) happily – often – slowly – gradually

d) fluently – today – yesterday – tomorrow


Esta pergunta é obrigatória

My name is Amy. I wake up early, drink my coffee with bread and jam and go to school. After school I go to my grandmother's house and stay with her all afternoon. I get home, take a shower, read a little and sleep.

3. O texto acima fala de: *

10 pontos




Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por cadelinha

1. have

2. b) badly, silently, terribly, happily

3. Routine

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