Inglês, perguntado por mickaelschneider2, 6 meses atrás

1. Complete com a tag question correta. "Your sister bought a new house,____?
didn't it
did she
didn't she

2. Complete com a tag question correta. "We're late,____?
are we
aren't we
did we

3. Complete com a tag question correta. "Peter had a car_____?
did he
was he
didn't he

4. Complete com a tag question correta. "She is playing video game_____?
isn't she
is she
did she

5. Complete com a tag question correta. "They didn't go to school_____?
were they
did they
didn't they

6. Complete com a tag question correta. "You went to school today, ______?
did you
didn't you
are you

7. Complete com a tag question correta. "Ana isn't at home______?
isn't she
did she
is she

8. Qual é a função das Tag Questions?
a.Expressar uma ideia pessoal.
b.Tentar convencer alguém.
c.Elas têm a função de reforçar, confirmar e também garantir que a pessoa nos entendeu e que irá responder da melhor forma.

9. Caso o verbo estiver na forma afirmativa na frase, a tag question apresentará o verbo na forma________.
Também afirmativa.

10. Complete a frase entre parêntese com a question tag correta. "He wasn’t invited for her party, __________?
wasn't he
was he
did he

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por rayannasoares
1. didn’t she?
2. aren’t we?
3. didn’t he?
4. isn’t she?
5. did they?
6. didn’t you?
7. is she?

8. item c)

9. negativa

10. was he?
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