Inglês, perguntado por dudapeloi, 1 ano atrás

1) Complete as sentenças usando o Past Simple dos seguintes verbos (use uma vez cada verbo): speak – have – read – drive – drink – begin – meet – take a) Sue __________________ a cup of coffee before class this morning. b) We __________________ a delicious dinner at a Mexican restaurant last night. c) When it _______________ to rain yesterday afternoon, I shut all the windows d) I ______________ an interesting article in the newspaper yesterday. e) I ______________ Jennifer’s parents when they visited her. She introduced me to them. f) Yesterday I called Jason on the phone. He wasn’t home, so I _____________ to his sister. g) Mary walked to school today. Rebecca ________ her car. Sandy ________a bus. 2) Use suas próprias idéias para completar as sentenças, use o Past Continuous. a) Tom burnt his hand when he __was cooking the dinner.__ b) The doorbell rang while I ________________________________________ c) We saw an accident while we _____________________________________ d) Mary fell asleep while she _______________________________________ e) The television was on but nobody __________________________________ 3) Coloque os verbos no: Past Continuous ou Past Simple. a) Jane __was waiting__ (wait) for me when I __arrived__ (arrive). b) ‘What ________________________ (you do) this time yesterday?’ ‘I was asleep.’ c) ‘_____________________________ (you go) out last night?’ ‘No, I was too tired.’ d) ‘Was Nina at the Emmy last night?’ ‘Yes, she ____________________________ (wear) a really nice dress.’ e) How fats __________________________________ (you drive) when the accident __________________________ (happen)? f) John ________________________ (take) a photograph of me while I ___________________________ (not look). g) We were in a very difficult position. We __________________________ (not know) what to do. h) I haven’t seen Alan for ages. When I last __________________________ (see) him, he ___________________________ (try) to find a job in London. 4) Complete as sentenças com o Past Continuous ou Past Simple: a) I _______________ (come) to school when I ___________________(meet) an old friend of mine. b) While my parents ____________________ (travel) around Europe, they _______________ (lose) their luggage. c) My cousins ________________ (have) a good time at the beach while I ___________________ (study) for a catch-up test last weekend. d) When my cousin ______________________ (open) the door, her neighbor __________________ (stand) at the doorstep. e) Carol’s little brother ______________________ (break) his arm while he _____________________(play) soccer. 5) Past Simple ou Past Continuous? a) My mother was watering the flowers while I ________________ (study). b) The film__________________ (not/start) at eight last night. It ___________________(start) at nine. c) We _________________ (talk) about Mary when she ________________ (come) in the room. 6) Leia a estória e complete com a forma correta dos verbos: When I _________________ (watch) television last night, the lights suddenly________________ (go out). I _________________(watch) a science fiction movie about monsters in space. I ___________________(wait) for the lights to come back on when I ____________________(hear) a terrible scream. I _________________ (jump) off the sofa and __________________ (run) to the door when something furry (touch) my leg. I __________________ (scream). At last, the lights _________________ (come) on. The furry thing was our cat. Maybe she was scared of space monsters, too!

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por nataliailha
1. Sue drank
we had
when it began
I read
I met
I spoke
Rebecca drove her car
Sandy took a bus
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