Física, perguntado por maria40613, 6 meses atrás

1) Complete as sentenças com There is ou There are
2 dogs in my house.
a TV in my bedroom.
20 boys in my class.
one cat on the table.
a radio in my bedroom.
5 schools near here.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por CacauMel

Lembre-se: There are é utilizado em frases que estão no plural;

There is é utilizado em frases que estão no singular.

Sendo assim as frases ficam:

There are 2 dogs in my house.

There is a TV in my bedroom.

There are 20 boys in my class.

There is one cat on the table.

There is a radio in my bedroom.

There are 5 schools near here.

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