Inglês, perguntado por otakinhoanonimo, 10 meses atrás

1- Complete as sentenças com o Presente Simples dos verbos dos parênteses:(a 3º pessoa do singular
recebes, es ou ies).
- Ricardo and Paula ---
from SP yesterday (to arrive)
b- -
my shop at 08 o'clock. ( to open)
Vanessa -
**** your office.(to spy)
d. Your mother
dance to all kids.( to teach)
e- Jorge
his bills later. (to pay)


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por em301273


Ricardo and Paula --- arrive

from SP yesterday (to arrive)

b- -

my shop at 08 o'clock. ( to open) opens

Vanessa - spies

**** your office.(to spy)

d. Your mother teaches

dance to all kids.( to teach)

e- Jorge pays

his bills later. (to pay)

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