Inglês, perguntado por leticiaaquinomoura15, 2 meses atrás

1- Complete as sentenças com o 2nd conditional:

a) If I had longer summer holidays,

b) If John did more exercise, he ... *

c) If Mrs. Smith spoke Chinese, she... *

d) If I won a million dollars, I ... *

e) If aliens landed on Earth, it ... *

f) If animals could talk, they ... *

g) If people lived on the moon, it ..

h) If I spent all my money, my mother ... *

i) If Laura worked harder, her boss ... *

j) If I lived for 150 years, you… * ​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Usuário anônimo

a) If I had longer summer holidays, I'd feel compelled to ditch my job for good.

b) If John did more exercise, he wouldn't be such a fat f.u.c.k with an extra large pair of moobs.

c) If Mrs. Smith spoke Chinese, she would go around babbling "xing ching lee chee" all the bloody time.

d) If I won a million dollars, I would pay someone to kill themself in front of me, just for the kicks.

e) If aliens landed on Earth, it wouldn't be so shocking, given how desensitized we all are.

f) If animals could talk, they would trash-talk us for hours on end. Quite frankly, we'd deserve it.

g) If people lived on the moon, it would be even more barren by now. Humans would certainly find a mineral or two to mine for.

h) If I spent all my money, my mother would slit my throat with a bread knife.

i) If Laura worked harder, her boss wouldn't be so fond of having her as his side fanny.

j) If I lived for 150 years, you would be minding your own business, as usual.

leticiaaquinomoura15: obgdaa
Usuário anônimo: De nada
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