Inglês, perguntado por luis801, 8 meses atrás

1-Complete as lacunas, com os verbos indicados nos parênteses, colocando-os no SimplePast

a-We _____ Samuel in town at the end of the year. (to see)

b- My friends and I ____ to the cinema three days ago. (to go)

c- Susan ___ a hamburger and fries and _____ a glass of soda last weekend.

(to eat / to drink)

d- My mother ____ English with our friend from England last vacation. (to speak)

e- The children _____ sad last July because they couldn't play with their friends. (to feel)

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por maiarasilvinhap5hqhp

Resposta: A - saw B-went C-ate/drank D-spoke E-felt

Explicação: São todos verbos irregulares, então você meio que tem que gravar as formas no passado já que o -ed não funciona.

luis801: Valeu mano
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