Inglês, perguntado por marcoseduado3547, 10 meses atrás

1. Complete as lacunas com os verbos entre parênteses conjugados no Simple Past:  

a)  She _______(go) to the shopping mall. 

b)  Marisa _______ (want/not) a ride.          

c)  Your parents _______ (make) a cake. 

d)  ______ (you talk) to his friends? 

e)  Sofia and Jane _______ (be) at the party. 


2.Escreva a frase abaixo no Simple Past nas formas afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa: She will go to the United States of America. 


3. Leia os quadrinhos para responder à questão 



A lacuna numerada no quarto quadrinho deve ser preenchida por a) is writing  b) have written 

c)  used to write 

d)  might write 

e)  could have written 


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por shepherd123


a) went

b) didn't wanted

c) made

d) you talked

e) were


interrogativa: did she went to the United States of America?

negativa: she didn't went to the USA

afirmativa: she went to the USA

3) sem figura

marcoseduado3547: obrigado ajudou bastante
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