Inglês, perguntado por EmanuelSouza16, 11 meses atrás

1-Complete as lacunas com o A/AN

A) She is _____ very beautiful girl. (Ela é uma garota bem bonita)

B) They had _____ interesting idea for the project. (Eles tiveram uma ideia interessante para o projeto)

C) He thinks he is _____ honest person but he is not. (Ele pensa que é uma pessoa honesta, mas ele não é).

D) She used to wear such _____ old dress. (Ela costumava usar um vestido tão velho).

E) I have ____ cat and _____ dog. (Eu tenho um gato e um cachorro)

F) Would you like ______ cup of coffee?

2- Complete as lacunas usando as prepositions of place (at/in/on) apropriada nas

A) My meeting is ______ Saturday. (Minha reunião é no sábado.)

B) She used to live _______ Canada when she was younger. (Ela morava no Canadá quando era mais nova)

C) He is waiting for me _____ the church. (Ele está me esperando na igreja).

D) The rabbit is _____ the box. (O coelho está em cima da caixa)

E) Someone is knocking ______ the door. (Alguém está batendo na porta)

F) I love going out ____ friday night! (Eu amo sair na sexta-feira à noite).

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por brugonca

1 - A) She is a very beautiful girl. )

B) They had an interesting idea for the project.

C) He thinks he is an honest person but he is not.

D) She used to wear such an old dress.

E) I have a cat and a dog.

F) Would you like a cup of coffee?

2 - A) My meeting is on Saturday.

B) She used to live in Canada when she was younger.

C) He is waiting for me in the church.

D) The rabbit is on the box.

E) Someone is knocking at the door. )

F) I love going out on friday night!

Espero ter ajudado. Bons estudos! :)

brugonca: imagina, se puder marca como melhor resposta pra me ajudar! ♡
brugonca: ah tá, não sabia, desculpa!!
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