Inglês, perguntado por gl5571656, 1 ano atrás

1. Complete as lacunas abaixo com as tag questions apropriadas. Observe a resposta da letra a e b:

a) You will study math, wont you ?

b) Jack and Bob will go for the beach, ___________?

c) He will study hard, ________?

d) It will rain, ____________?

e) You will trip to Hawaii, ________?

f) They will stay at home, ______________?​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por mariatwjb
b) Jack and Bob will go for the beach, WON’T THEY?

c) He will study hard, WON’T HIM?

d) It will rain, WON’T IT?

e) You will trip to Hawaii, WON’T YOU?

f) They will stay at home, WON’T THEY?
Respondido por danieleperazzo82


vlw pelos 5 pontos


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