Inglês, perguntado por brunadrumal, 7 meses atrás

1 – Complete as frases utilizando os verbos entre parênteses no Future with will:

a) They _____________ my friends. (to visit)
b) We _____________ to France. (to go)
c) He ________________ buy a new car (to buy)
d) I _________________ dinner at a restaurant. (to have)
e) He ______________ me. (to help)

2 – Passe as frases abaixo para a forma negativa contraída:

a) The weather will be poor.

b) We will go to the sea next week.

c) I will play tennis next year.

d) I will buy a car.

e) You will stay at a hotel.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por emy2710
a)They will visit my friends.
b)We will go to France.
c)He will buy a new car.
d)I will have dinner at a restaurant.
e)He will help me.

a)The weather won’t be poor.
b)We won’t go to the sea next week.
c)I won’t play tennis next year.
d)I won’t buy a car.
e)You won’t stay at a hotel.

brunadrumal: ta certo ?
emy2710: Acho q tá né
emy2710: Faço inglês desde os 5 anos, então provavelmente tá certo
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