Inglês, perguntado por raissa7814103, 9 meses atrás

1) Complete as frases utilizando o artigo a ou an
a) She has
white dog.
b) He wants
piece of that cake.
c) I love to eat
apple every morning.
d) She has
interesting idea.
e) My dad got
new job.
f) Sarah wants to be
g) I will take
h) Maria is
good girl.
i) My cousin wants to be
j) She is
k) He is
1) I need to buy

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por eduardafranzoni7

a) She has  a white dog.

b) He wants  a piece of that cake.

c) I love to eat  an apple every morning.

d) She has  an interesting idea.

e) My dad got  a new job.

f) Sarah wants to be  a dancer.

g) I will take  a taxi.

h) Maria is  a good girl.

i) My cousin wants to be  an astronaut.

j) She is  a girl.

k) He is  a boy.

l) I need to buy  a backpack.​

raissa7814103: Obg,ajudou muuuuuuuuuiiitooooo,eu sou péssima em inglês ñ sei nem os tá escrito nessa atividade,mais uma obg
elisneyferreira30017: obrigado
Respondido por nandafleurs

a) she has A white dog

b) he wants A piece of cake

c) i love eating AN apple every morning

d) she has AN  interesting idea

e) my father got A new job

f) Sarah wants to be A dance

g) i will take A taxi

h) Maria is A good girl

i) My cousin wants to be AN astronaut

k) he is A boy

1) I need to buy A backpack

raissa7814103: Obg tbm
filipeperreira73: valeu
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